Using Relevant Examples in a College Coursework

The majority of your grade relies on your coursework. Because of that it’s essential that your coursework be as refined as possible. Using relevant examples is one way to take your coursework to a higher level. It’s also true that no example is better than an irrelevant example, so choose your examples wisely!

Benefits of using examples in coursework:

  • It helps your written work to attain credibility
  • It’s a method used to attain new information
  • It helps the reader to recognize patterns
  • It helps the reader to process some of the concepts
  • t helps to incite awareness

As you can see, using good examples really adds to the effectiveness of your piece of coursework. Examples can be highly valuable tools for teaching and for learning. It doesn’t matter what subject you are doing coursework in, examples are always brilliant and will upgrade the level of your writing.

Reasons why you should use relevant examples:

  • Assists in clarifying a concept
  • Helps in expanding on your idea
  • Explaining in more specific detail
  • Examples draw from the experience of other people/events
  • They can help in justifying your reasoning

Instructors love to see you using relevant examples because it shows you have a deep understanding of the concepts you are writing about. Examples provide cases or instances that are similar to the ones you are presenting. They give readers additional ways of understanding the point you are trying to make. They kind of serve as models, especially when the point you are making is rather abstract.

For example, a college student did some coursework on teaching English to children. Here is the example that was used: We all learn the alphabet as children. To make words, the alphabet letters must be laid out in specific orders. When children learn how to create words using alphabet letters, they use real words as an example. The real words are a model. Children sound out the letters and learn how to put them together to spell.

When your example is relevant and matches the subject of the coursework you are doing, it adds enrichment to your written work. It may be difficult at times to find these relevant examples but it’s definitely worth the extra effort. It shows you put in the extra time to search for an example to present to your readers, knowing it would enhance the objective of your writing.

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